Will Ford move production of the Harley Davidson F150 overseas now that Trumps trade war has forced HD to move their production overseas?

Bonus question: Did Trump the negotiating super genius fail to see problems for American manufacturers like the ones he created for Harley?

No. (There's no market for F 150s in Asia or Europe. You'd likely have to rebuild the whole engine to meet their fuel efficiency standards. And good luck parking an F150 in Beijing.)

And, no.

Taking casualties does not mean you've lost a battle.

Harley's problems pre-date Trump. For a person who purports knowledge of their business this should be obvious. LOL

You're asking questions about an issue that you're totally uneducated on. Don't be a feckless cuunt. HD clearly states that their motorcycles sold in America will be made in America. The only ones being manufactured overseas will be sold in Europe only.

Liberals too stupid to see Trump didn't "create" the trade war.

All those countries have been setting high tariffs for decades. Our elected politicians have been ignoring the real problem while lining their own pockets with kickbacks.

Trump = no kickbacks. He is in no ones pockets. Hence the 24/7 smear campaign from the left.

Ford makes pickup/motorcycle hybrid?

All economic issues are oversimplified and the people who are going to fix them aren't going to be politicians. Their job is to take credit for the good things and blame the bad things on everybody else.

Trump sees all, The Trump steel tariffs are for national security, since the USA produces very little of it's own steel which is a big problem in a war situation.
Yes some companies that use steel will be hurt and Trump knows this but national security is more important
Plus the article I read shows Harley is only moving some jobs off shore and says nothing of F-150's.

Harley to Move Some Production Out of US to Avoid EU's Tariffs

Uninformed Libs, as usual.

Harley is opening a plant in Asia to avoid Asian Tariffs in an Asian market.

Harley is not " moving " production but rather expanding into a previously untapped market.

Maybe they'll just move production to their Mexican or Canadian plants…

oh wait… You mean you didn't know that a Toyota Camry has more US content than a F150?

No… He is well aware of the situation…