Why won't Caucasian white women protest for Eric Garner, Ezell Ford and Michael Brown?

I heard black men say white women love them but are any white women protesting for these men killers to be brought to justice?

Yes, white women and men have participated in protests of those killings.

Injustice is not just about race, if it can happen to a black person, it can happen to you.

I don't know who they are and I don't care. I'm fed up with black protests and complaints after 45 years of whites bending over backward to help them.

There were white women and men, unless you just see the cherry picked video on GOPtv (Fox).

Have you missed all those "News" reports and propaganda showing "Demonstrations" where white women on the front lines "protesting" the events in Ferguson?

Better check your gaskets and seals… Your generating weaker suction than usual… Even for you…

Feel free to peruse the faces in this protest photo.

Well I hope black men learn that just because white women find them attractive doesn't mean they respect your humanity

I'm not protesting for anyone.

Let the courts handle it.

Because on was a robber and I don't know who the other two are, nor care.