Why do illegal immigrants like to drive Chevrolets, Fords or GMC trucks? Everyone knows that Toyotas last 6 x longer?
Except them? Why?
btw, anyone noticed this?
you don't hardly ever see them driving Toyotas, mostly Chevrolet or GMC trucks
I do not know the answer.
They just trying to fit in the best they can (especially since they are illegal aliens)
probably the same reason that Arabs buy mostly "American made" vehicles
They buy them used, cheap. Used Toyotas are harder to find.
Go to a Hispanic section of a town with a large Hispanic population. You will find lots of used car dealers.
My father was an unskilled laborer. I grew up in used GM products. Mostly Chevy's.
American made trucks are just as long lasting as the Toyota's. That's why people that know nothing about cars buy Toyota.
If you like driving old Japanese junk go for it.
Alright, skippy, do you realize how far down the list Toyota is in US light truck sales? Toyota does not even compare to the overall sales by Ford, Chevrolet, etc.
American cars always sell in Mexico. I don't know why. I could sell my'80 Chevy easily, down there.
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