Why did Ford wait 30 plus years to finally accuse Kavanaugh?

Why did Ford wait 30 plus years to finally accuse Kavanaugh?

"Me, too" came to the rescue.

She was afraid, she's said that. She decided to speak out because of how important and influential the position of supreme court justice is.

I can absolutely understand a reluctance, ever fear as a youth.
Then there's the perfect political timing of the accusation now. Another matter.
Where was the in between? When it would have been seen as more about justice than a political weapon.

It's like those men who were abused as boys in the Catholic Church. Some of them are testifying 40 years after the fact in recent cases.

Because women who came forward at the time, and even today, were/are vilified. Trump had plenty of accusers and he was elected.

Because it never really happened.

Lindsey Graham said it well.

Both Ford and Kavanaugh are victims in this despicable game of Democrats.

She didn't come forward for 36 years because no such thing happened.

To win friends and influence people