Is it typical of Trump supporters for them to call for the arrest and jailing of crime victims if they DARE to accuse their attackers?

"Candace Owens attacked Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's accuser Dr. Christine Blasey Ford on Wednesday, saying that she should be jailed."

Candace Owens is an amazing great beautiful African-American patriot.

I'll take you seriously when you take the claims by DNC leader Ellison's victims of violence and sexual abuse by him seriously.

When you call for him to resign from his political run and when you call for the DNC to get rid of him, then, I will actually think you care about women victims of violence.

Liberals complicit in protecting him are victimizing women with audio tape proof, medical records, and police records of violence he committed against them.

If you make an accusation, you'd better have some proof. Unless you're a liberal, of course.

Sadly, yes.

Slander is an underestimated crime that can destroy lives.

Book 'em Dano!

If Dr Ford lied, then yes, she should be charged for lying under oath.

Yes. They refuse to admit his faults!

If she lied then it's perjury, Body Language Ghost is sure that Ford lied.

Locking up the opposition is one of the first step towards establishing a dictatorship

Yes when they lied and tried to ruin a saints life for the benifit and gain of money and to help evil people with their politics. Yes indeed