Who else found it very alarming that Dr Ford had troubles remembering details of the polygraph test?

Who else found it very alarming that Dr Ford had troubles remembering details of the polygraph test?

Ricky Nelson Poor Little Fool

I found all of her testimony and the actions of the Democrats alarming. It was an obvious lie

It's hard to keep up with all the lies after while in any circumstance.

Not alarming at all. Almost everyone has trouble remembering precise details when under duress.

I was very alarmed when I reached down your ma's panties and found testicles! ✋?

I didn't watch the testimony. But it looks like you watched it planning to disbelieve.

How could she remember details from 34 years ago

All I know is she took and passed the test, she didn't administer it. Oh the other hand, Brett refuses to take one, citing admissible in court reason. The fact is, the committee is NOT a court and the Judge knows it. He is hiding something called the truth.

I found it troubling that she agreed to the test. My dad was a cop for 17 years.Before that a Sheriff's deputy and before that he was in the US NAVY. He never had any faith in polygraphs.