I'm 15 years old and I'm about to be 16 very soon. Can I test drive a car from a dealership?

I'm 15 with my permit and turn 16 very soon. I've had my permit for 9 months now and haven't ever been pulled over or in an accident. My parents are willing to buy me a new Ford Mustang for my 16th birthday but I want to test drive it first. If I was to go in with my dad would they let me test drive the car?

No. Dealerships require that you be a full license holder and a minimum of 18 years of age to test drive any vehicle in their fleet.

Highly unlikely they would let anyone without a license test drive a car, I'd bet their insurance won't allow it. And if your parents give a brand new driver a brand new car they have rocks in their head. Especially one that is faster than average - even the base V6 model has over 300 HP. As a parent of young drivers I would highly recommend your first car is something not as fast and not as new. Insurance will be high too, but this is a bad idea regardless of how much money your parents have.

No, it depends on the dealership, but you need to be either 18 or 21 years old. But if the dealership doesn't leave a salesperson to sit in the car, your dad can easily say he's test driving the car. Then you can pull into a parking lot and switch drivers. Just make sure the dealership only sees your dad driving the car.

If they want to sell the car, they will let you drive. With them in the car of course. Along with your dad.

No. A dealer's insurance won't permit them to allow you to drive due to not having a full license and being too young.

I doubt it without an actual drivers license, for insurance reasons.

Keep dreaming snowflake, no parent with half a brain would buy their kid a Mustang. Now, one that is 20 plus years old, with a four cylinder sure. Also, you need to be at least 18 to test drive a car, with the salesperson IN THE CAR.