Who do you believe Kavanaugh or Ford Who should get the benefit of the doubt, if anyone?

Who do you believe Kavanaugh or Ford Who should get the benefit of the doubt, if anyone?

The accused always gets the benefit of the doubt in the American justice system.

No one does.
We must hear the testimony.
Why won't they let Ford speak?

After they expose Ford for lying they need to throw her under the jail.

Obviously innocent until proven guilty, Ford's witness have all basically called her a big liar, now the Dems have found a new candidate for part 2 of false allegations and the second one is even more cringe

Ford's claim: that the incident happened, but she is not sure of when or where, and that it dramatically changed her life is implausible. She claims that as a result she can't fly in a plane or be in a room without a second exit. However, nobody she has referenced remember the part. Nobody noticed a sudden change in her behavior back then. Sorry.

I don't believe him. He has already lied 3 times to congress.

It's a delicate balance. People are not guilty until proven guilty. But our culture still often shames victims. A Senate hearing is not a legal forum. It's all political. But this is what it came down to. So let both make their cases.

Both get the benefit of the doubt. But SHE'S not interviewing for one of the highest posts in the land where she'll be making decisions on the right of women to their own bodies. He's on a job interview- and the bar is much lower than in a criminal investigation.

In the absence of any proof of guilt along with the suspicious timing and Ford's activist associations, I believe Kavanaugh.