Were the 60+ women who signed a letter supporting Kavanaugh present in the room with Blase-Ford, Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh?
Were the 60+ women who signed a letter supporting Kavanaugh present in the room with Blase-Ford, Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh?
The majority of them have recanted.
No, no more than the list of school mates supporting Ford were. LOL
Not the point. We're talking about past behavior, not women who support his conservative judicial positions.
No, but they remember what it is to be victimized by "good" men.
If they were, would Ford remember?
Possibly. Ford left the door open, so to speak, when she changed her story to say there may have been more than four other people at the party.
Were the people who penned the four letters of support for Dr. Ford in the room? Do the letters corroborate her claims?
Doesn't appear anyone was present in that room.
One of them recanted her support after she discovered that Kavanaugh and others bragged that they had all slept with her, she claims they never got lucky but that didn't stop choir boy Brett from pretending he f-ed her.
You are assuming that they were actually in a room together.
- Should AG Sessions extend US Marshal protection to Dr. Ford and any other women being threatened for testifying about Judge Kavanaugh? Kavanaugh is receiving protection from the US Marshals. Dr. Ford has to pay for her own protection. This is despicable.
- Has the power of Leftist Propaganda made everyone forget that Judge Kavanaugh has been a Champion of Women? Does the Left prefer Teddy "Chappaquiddick" Kennedy given they reelected him 7 times in memory of Mary Jo Kopechne? Is it more proof that Hollywood, the Press and the Silicone Valley control the minds of too many? Didn't 75 Women of both Parties come out before Christine Ford to say how they support him?
- Do you think the Brett Kavanaugh result threatens to remove women's rights? Is Ford then a blatant liar? So next will be Wade/Roe? Just wondering the impact of this position in US Politics? Sorry, not up on intricacies of US politics, but wonder about the impact here? So, don't assume I should know things, kindly just tell me.
- Did either Kavanaugh or Mark Judge try to molest Christine Ford before the alleged assault? Was this a totally sudden and unexpected assault, or had it been preceded by other acts of harassment, during or before the party?