Did either Kavanaugh or Mark Judge try to molest Christine Ford before the alleged assault?

Was this a totally sudden and unexpected assault, or had it been preceded by other acts of harassment, during or before the party?

Evidence proves that neither men have ever met her, let alone attacked her in any way.

You would have to ask the people involved. My experience is that these things are rarely premeditated. They are just target of opportunity assaults.

No one can remember, not least of all the 'victim'

Aren't you libs tired of losing? Why do you keep bringing up incidents where you lost?

Probably not.

Dr. Ford has only claimed the one time, and only that one time. If there were multiple assaults, I think she would've mentioned that too.

As far as we know, if this assault happened, it wasn't preceded or followed by any other incidents of sexual assault or harassment.

Why do you ask?

Oh get real, anyone that has two brain cells to rub together know this was just a scam to keep Kavanaugh from becoming a Supreme Court Justice. Before Kavanaugh was even nominated those un-American communist leftist leaders said the would use any means possible to keep any Trump appointee from becoming a Supreme Court Justice.