Should Ford And Kavanaugh Donate Their GoFundMe Money?
Kavanaugh to legal defense for the falsely accused and Ford to a sexual assault survivors group?
I don't know why everyone weighs in on what other people should do with their own money, it's not theirs.
I suspect Kavanaugh will divert his funds towards a charity, but doesn't really matter with me even if he kept it. Same with Ford. I'm not taking sides, but she actually has monetary costs associated with the blowback, whereas I don't *think* Kavanaugh or his family does but it's not like I looked into it in detail, very likely I just don't know. Anyway, like I said they can both keep it and use it how they want or not, doesn't matter with me. The same way people decided how to use their own money to donate to them is the same way that the recipients should be able to decide. As I said at the start, I don't know why people think they get to weigh in on it, it's not their business.
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