Should Sears and Ford HIRE Dotard McTiny as their CEO and get profitable again! If he can get Foreign Diplomats and American Lobbyists to?

Pay $350.00/night to sleep in a tiny room in an old Post Office and keep it FULL and VERY PROFITABLE, don't you think that he could come up with an idea to save 40+ thousand American jobs? Should Sears and Ford HIRE Dotard McTiny as their CEO and get profitable again If he can get Foreign Diplomats and American Lobbyists to

Gotta Hustle Biches?!

From their tool division, one day a few years back, I went to Sears as they always had a lifetime warranty on every hand tool. I noticed on their shelves a huge inventory of green labeled tools. All of them said made in China. On that minute, I knew sears was going down hill.

Sear, once a company that lead in finding new ways for sales and reaching the general population. Somehow from in the 70/80's got stuck in a rut, failed to move with the times, failed to see and develop things like internet sales, failed to adjust their price points to their competition and quality, failed to adjust their delivery cost and service(big one). Sears is what the left often accuses the right of, failing to change with the times.

Good choice of words in using American "jobs". I wonder how many individuals who hold those jobs actually WORK? You can bet that number is close to 100% at Toyota.