Should their be federal limits on the money police can get from traffic tickets?

In my small city- it seems like they are enriching themselves off minor traffic tickets. I've paid $600 so far this year alone and I'm not a purposefully reckless driver.

I wonder if that's how they can afford their higher salaries (than the median where I live) and 2015 ford police cruisers (whereas most people here drive old cars).

You may not be reckless on purpose but the city thanks you for your contributions. I think I last got a ticket in 1984; maybe you should consider being a better driver and going without a ticket for 30 years as well then you won't have to complain about how much you have to pay in tickets/fines (not too mention your increased insurance premiums).

No, I don't think there should be limits. In fact, if anything, fines should be higher. Maybe then people will drive more safely.

What should you do if you can't drive a motor vehicle safely and talk on a cell phone at the same time… Well, if you can't accomplish 2 very simple tasks you should never be allowed to drive…