The car window is going up crooked intermittently, leaving a gap at the back of the window. Took the door panel off, checked the cable (not frayed), checked the motor (works fine) and nothing is broken mechanically. I see some kind of guides that look bad and need help with figuring out what they are "called" because I can't find them, even on the car manufacturer's parts website. I don't see them on the diagrams at all.
One is a white rubber piece that looks like some kind of roller with a screw going through it that holds it to the window. I didn't see one on the rear, but there might be one of these on the rear since there are two black guides at the top.

Apparently as the window goes up, it hits on this black guide and the white roller guides it along:

As you can see, the white roller is basically sawn in two and instead jams against the black guide when the window goes up. This same setup might be on the back of the window, as well. The black guides along the top of the door… There's one in the front and one in the back. Both of the black guides look cracked and you can see it in the photo. I need to replace both of those black guides as well as the one (or two) white rollers. Just can't find them anywhere.
What do they generally call these? I'm fine with ordering it online, but it isn't listed on the Ford Parts website in the diagrams. As you can see, the