Kavanaugh issue - Who is responsible for releasing professor Ford's name?
Should say a lot!
Her parents gave her that name at birth most likely.
Sorry couldn't resist.
The issue is the sexual molestation itself. People can try to make it about something else, like when it happened, but the issue is there's an accusation and it needs to be taken seriously because this is a very serious position to be filled. There's already one member of SCOTUS that is dogged by sexual allegations making his opinions on women's issues suspect. We don't need any more Justices like that.
Since only the Democrats had that information… You figure it out!
The news media.
Ford gave her information to Feinstein but insisted her name be kept anonymous. Feinstein knew she couldn't go public with an anonymous source - even if it would help with her arguments against Kavanaugh.
However after the media somehow got a hold of the information and made Ford's name public, Feinstein had no choice but to release the rest of the information.
As far as I know no Republican has seen the letter, not even Chairman Grassley. LOL
I think I recall hearing that it was some newspaper that figured it out.
Ford also sent a letter to the Washington Post. They at least had the integrity to accommodate her request for anonymity.
Why does it say anything? Does it mean her allegations shouldn't be investigated? People seem to forget the only thing Democrats are asking for is an expanded background check to look into these allegations.
I keep repeating this same point. You want the Senate to confirm his lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court when the question of this sexual assault is still hanging over his nomination. Lets talk about hiring someone that was cleared of all charges by a jury. If he were still alive would you hire Michael Jackson as a babysitter? How about Casey Anthony also acquitted on all charges? Would you hire her as your kid's nanny?
Than why are you so quick to decide to "hire" or confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court without even an investigation. If you want to condemn two people NOT convicted of a crime because of unproven allegations made against them why do you have a different standard for Kavanaugh?
Who's responsible for holding this information back for three months and releasing it just before the vote?
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- Isn't it priceless that none other than Diane Feinstein herself will be responsible for the confirmation of JUSTICE BRETT KAVANAUGH? I guess sitting on Christine Ford's silly little story until the 11th hour turned out to be a GREAT BIG FAIL!
- CONS: isn't it curious that Ford recovered her memory about Kavanaugh when his name first came up for the SC back in 2012? Kavanaugh's accuser recovered her memory at the time Dems were panicked Romney would win and nominate him to SCOTUS https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2018/09/kavanaughs_accuser_recovered_her_memory_at_the_time_dems_were_panicked_romney_would_win_and_nominate_him_to_scotus.html Has anyone seen the letter Ford sent to Feinstein? I'm curious on the date of it if '2012' is crossed out and '2018' is recently penciled in.