What did you name your mustang or what is your mustangs name?

I just bought a 2006!dark blue Ford Mustang and I named it Sally. She's named after the first bar I ever went to which is called Mustang Sally's, and it happen to be my favorite bar. What did you name yours or what is yours named?

Hi as i don't have this pile of old ford junk it does not have such a stupid name.

I've had 5 Mustangs.

One was named Maude; short for Maudefied.

One was named "The Oven-Mobile" because it had dark blue vinyl seats, dark blue hard plastic steering wheel, inside of a dark blue paint job, no air conditioning, and lived in Miami. If you wore shorts you would burn your legs and bounce around like a scalding hot kernel of popcorn.

One was called "Tracie." Because I had a girlfriend named Tracie who I rode just as hard.

I didn't name the other two.

I'd get beat up if my friends even thought I was thinking of giving my car a name.

Cold Ethyl, after the Alice Cooper song.