Is it me, or are the acceleration and break pedals very sensitive in a driving school car?

I had my first driving lesson with an actual instructor this week and I was very surprised on how sensitive the gas and break pedals were. I have driven my fathers Ford Windstar and it was completely easy and I got the hang of it after 20 minutes. The driving school car was an early 2000s Hyundai and it just seemed too sensitive. I thought It was because I was nervous (Wasn't panicking or anything. Instructor said I was really calm for my first time), but In order to gain momentum, i had to move my foot like 3cm for it to not accelerate too fast. Are cars from Driving schools this sensitive or do I just have a heavy foot? If so, how can I change my foot technique?

An early 2000's Hyundai?

Blimey, we only use new cars for instructing in the UK.

It's you BTW.

You have a heavy foot.

The Winstar is a bit of barge, and you are used to stomping on the gas to get it moving. The Hyundai will have a similar amount of power, but in a much lighter car.

My car is probably even more sensitive than that, and if you mashed the pedal down 3 cm it would likely wheelspin off the line.