How do yor repair a coolant leak on a 2003 ford thunderbird?

How do yor repair a coolant leak on a 2003 ford thunderbird? - 1

Start with working your where the leak is actually coming from?

Bad radiator hose?
Heater hose?
Water pump?
Head gasket?
Cracked or punctured radiator?

Once you work you where the leak is, you can figure out what parts need replacing.

How do I… My friend owns a radiator shop… First I call him… Next… I drive or tow to it (call my auto towing insurance with info )to him, go to lunch and bs 'til it's ready… He scribbles numbers on a paper, I give him federal reserve notes or use my credit card. Although you may not have a friend currently that owns a shop, you can find shop and follow the same steps… With your own money or credit card of course.

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