My 2002 Ford focus will not attempt to start even with a charger on it battery is at 13.2. Does anyone know what the fix would be?

My 2002 Ford focus will not attempt to start even with a charger on it battery is at 13.2. Does anyone know what the fix would be?

Added (1). cleaned all terminals at battery, starter and even checked fuel pump

So did you replace the battery cables? If not, DO IT.

I already told you. Check the battery posts and cable clamps for corrosion and security. Clean them and tighten them if necessary. This is the most common problem. Sometimes it is the connection at the starter that is loose or corroded instead. If cleaning and tightening those doesn't help, then you may have a faulty starter, but you haven't mentioned if the dash lights even come on when you turn the key or if there are any sounds when you try to start it. If you turn the key and everything is dead, including dash lights, then the fusible link may be blown. It is located on a wire between the starter and alternator and doesn't look like an ordinary fuse. The wire harness that contains it must be replaced if the symptoms point to this problem. If you are getting dash lights, chimes, etc, then the starter solenoid is probably fried and you need to replace the starter.

It takes 15-18 hours to charge a depleted battery, take it out and charge it overnight, 13.2 merely tells you that all the cells are conductive it doesn't tell you how much charge they have

You were told to replace the cables.

Bad ignition switch.
Bad neutral safety switch.
Bad starter