I'm 6'8 while being more leggy than torso, could I drive a 3 door ford focus?

How far can the seat go back and is there even much legroom for the driver?
Can the steering wheel be adjusted?
Thank you.

(Note: I never drove a car, so I'm looking for one to buy, I'm also set on getting a focus.

I'm not really sure where you're from. The Focus is offered all over the world. They're actually pretty roomy but, with you being that tall, it might be a tight sqeeze. I would recommend the Ford Crown Victoria. It's not as fuel efficient but, it's just as reliable.

Probably need a Monster truck or something HUGE. Cut a hole on the top of the drivers seat then you should be fine.

No your too big to drive cars. I would get a plane or if you insist to stay on the ground a monster truck with lowered floors.

The Focus is a good quality automobile, for the money. But the design of the center console is a bit bulky and wide. Might not be the best choice for you.