How high does your credit score have to be to get a car?

How high does your credit score have to be to qualify for a new 2014 ford focus and no down payment from a ford dealership?

That is a secret ford keeps pretty close. I once went in ready to buy a car from a different maker and there was a teaser low interest rate. They checked my credit score and came back saying it was the best they had ever seen - and truly looked shocked at how good it was - and they STILL refused to give me the best interest rate. Guess who did not sell a car that day?

I would imagine it would have to be in the upper 700's plus you must have a good-paying job that you have been at for several years. It would be much better for you to buy a car that is 2 or 3 years old and pay cash in full from a private party. You save thousands of dollars this way.

Zero down. You'd probably need a 725+ and have several years on the job with income over $2000 per month.

Your score itself isn't enough. Time on job & income are essential.

With 2 months at a minimum wage job, you couldn't get a new car with $2500 down without a strong cosigner.