What car is more attractive for us to drive: Dodge Charge or Ford Explorer?

Ok ok I know what people are gonna say: You shouldn't base your car buying choice on if it will make you look attractive, car doesn't make the man, work on your confidence, blah blah blah… Believe me I know.

But to be honest I do like having a car that attracts women. I had a 2015 Mustang and that was pretty much a sexy car and women loved it… Unfortunately some lady sideswiped me in the rain and it caused me to crash into the center divide. Now I need to buy another car and I have it down to two options:
1)Dodge Charge RT: This is a 4 door muscle car with a big V8 engine. It is fast and it sounds really good.
2)Ford Explorer: This is an attractive looking SUV that is very comfortable and spacious without being a minivan.

What car do you think looks more attractive for males to drive? The roaring Muscle car or the beefy SUV?

I like a Jeep Wrangler, 2-door, lifted, with mud tires. That says a guy can and will go anywhere! In the truck world, I like the RAM 1500 with the Rebel trim. I like the bright red seats and the sound of the hemi engine. Sports cares are okay.

Dodge charge.

Definitely not the Explorer. How about a nice F150 or a TOYOTA 4 runner TRD?

Dodge. First of all, the Dodge has more acceleration. Second, the mustang will just look a whole lot nicer. In my opinion, there's some sort of touch missing for both of the cars. However, to me, the touch that the Dodge is missing is a lot less small than the touch the Ford is missing.

I think the ford bc it's more of an adventurer car. However, the dodge is fancy i suppose. I'd still go w the ford tho


Anybody can buy a car. The kind or girl who runs after cars is just the same as the dog that chases cars.

It may work for high school girls but women see it altogether differently. I had a Lotus Europa for six years when I was a carefree bachelor and it attracted men (who invariably bent my ear about what color I should paint it, what wheels I should put on it…) but women stayed away in droves. They knew (and they were right) I would pay attention to the car and not to them. I still owned it when I was introduced to my future wife but she fell for me before she saw the car. She always hated it. 44 years later we're still married and I have one picture of the car somewhere. I miss driving it - there's nothing like a Lotus - but I sure don't miss owning it!

Dude, you must have been raised on a farm. Girls attracted to a Dodge "Charge"? Or a Ford Explorer? Seriously? You don't know girls and you don't know cars.

Harley-Davidson. And, a loud one.