Same cop keeps pulling me over, what should I do?

5am one morning I was going to work and a cop went behind me and turned his flashers on and I pulled over and stopped. He got onto me over turning my high brights on and supposedly 'bright spotting' him. I told him it was dark and he said 'It ain't that dark'

He let me off with a warning and told me to get my vision checked. He was really aggressive and grumpy. This cop was a sheriff and had a cop car that looked like a Ford explorer.

The other day I was driving and he magically appeared behind me and tailgated me for a while and then he turned his flashers on.

I pulled over and rolled down my Windows and he said 'I pulled you over before' and I said 'yes' and he ask me 'why do you keep speeding up and then breaking?'

I told him I'm trying to maintain the speed limit of 45 and don't want to go over it. He told me the speed limit is 55 up until you get to that point over here and he pointed his fingers to this area of road over there.

I asked him if he needed to see my credentials and he didn't ask or want them and he walked back to his sheriff car and I drove off. He went then about his business. I was nervous this time.

What should I do?

I drive a toyota Corolla 2015 sedan. My car doesn't look suspicious and is pretty new and I do have a cb radio installed with a antenna on top.

Stop driving like a dolt and Barney Fife will leave you alone. Driving 10 mph under the limit in a sedan is enough to make any cop suspicious.

This cop may be doing that to everyone. He apparently wants to be very pro-active and interact with people constantly. At least he didn't give you a ticket. Let it go. Maybe he's due for retirement.

Slam on your brakes next time he tailgates you, but be SURE to say there was a bunny in the road you were avoiding. I usually just put my truck in neutral and coast to a stop, even if he hasn't put lights on yet- tailgating is illegal.

Keep stopping and thank your lucky stars he isn't issuing tickets each time he stops you. Based upon your question he has good cause to do so, but is cutting you a break each time.

You need to learn the rules of the road.
the first time, he was right to pull you over, because how would YOU like it if somebody had their brights on you while you were coming towards them? You will never see at night as good as daytime. If you can't handle that, perhaps you shouldnxt be driving at night.
as for the 2nd pullover, it is important you pay attention to ALL speed limit signs. Even if you think you know the speed limit, they may CHANGE the speed limit. This happened to me. My whole life, the speed limit in a certain area had been 45. But they added a bunch of new stores and buildings, and changed it to 30.
and if you are having trouble keeping a steady speed (speeding up and slowing down), you should start using cruise control until you get used to it. You need to be considerate of other people driving around you. I'm sure thatxs why that officer let you go without a ticket on time #2.

He "magically" appeared behind you? He sounds normal. You sound like you have mental health issues.

If you are being harassed, file a complaint with the County Sheriff. That will GUARANTEE one of two things - you will get a ticket every time you leave your house OR the Sheriff will no longer appear behind you by magic.