Why does my dad's ford escape seem more difficult to drive then my mom's honda civic?

I do prefer how the civic drives compared to the escape. But the escape seems more difficult to turn or park. Why is that?
I just got my permit by the way.

Because it is different car m8 xDD…

It's actually harder than one thinks to escape.

Because one is a refined vehicle, the other one is a Ford.

Ford probably spends about 5 minutes testing out a design before it goes into production thats why. Japanese cars go through a rigorous program of development.

The Escape is a much bigger, heavier car. The power steering is going to feel a lot different in a Ford. Regardless without knowing the model years it could be more of an old car vs newer car thing. Newer cars tend to have things like electric power steering and more sensitive brakes that make them much easier to drive. A Newer Escape will drive much differently than an old one because of improvements in the technology.