Why would people buy a Honda CR-V when they can buy a more reliable Ford Edge?

A Honda CR-V may last up to 250k miles but Ford Edge has a minimum lifespan of over 500k miles or more…

You're funny.

Because my wife had a Focus that was a lemon Now it's only Honda from here on out.

Your not funny. Neither is anyone who thinks ford will last 500 miles. Yes 500 not 500,000


My wife worked in a FORD Dealership and told me that a Ford Edge would be her last choice for a new car.


Ford Escape troll strikes again.

HI so you seem to have your facts wrong as mister Ford makes no profit from making cars that last over 100k miles any longer. That sis why they fall apart.

Why? Mainly because of two reasons. First, the CR-V has a better overall quality and reliability rating compared to the Edge. Secondly, the CR-V is several grand less expensive than the Edge.

Because it's their money and their choice… And that will be the answer for every single worthless question like this that you continue to post

Name *one* person -- just one -- who has a Ford Edge with half a million miles.

Yeah, that's what I thought.