Despite the past, is Rob Ford capable of being a good mayor?

I don't know much about the politics of Toronto, but just cause he did drugs doesn't mean he's bad. I know that it's not a good thing to do for a mayor (and it will never be forgotten, too), but before the drug incident, was he a good mayor?

He may be alcoholic. He has tried some drugs a few times, so as 1 in 3 people. His problem is alcohol. As a mayor he as been great and kept his promises. Despite fact media has been against him since his first campaign began over 4 years ago, he is very popular. His opponent in his first campaign was the media's choice, a Liberal, and admitted drug addict. His opponent this time is the media's choice, another wealthy socialist, this time from the NDP

He blew it.

new blood needed

He was a great mayor, very fiscally responsible. His personal issues have become a distraction however, which means that even if he never drinks or does drugs again he could never be a good mayor again since his relationships with those he needs to work with on a day to day basis have suffered too much.

No. He owes it to the families in the city of Toronto to be a shining example of morality and good behavior and do his job well.

Forget about being the Mayor, he should be the PM of England