Can Rob Ford really get clean with only a 30 day treatment program?

With the extent of his addiction, it doesn't sound like enough time.

Added (1). He will never be rid of the addiction. There's always a chance that he falls off the wagon.

CLEAN!"?"! I just think that it's possible to get ones-self to the point that they can be 'about 98. 8 % ready to start fully stepping away from what's been habitual?! To be 100 % I feel might take at the least 6 months?! R"R"r.,.

I don't even think Ford has an addiction to drugs to be honest, trust me on this! I have grown up around crack heads and I can tell you they have a very scrawny look (due to a supersonic matabolism and all their money going to feeding their drugs) not to mention their teeth are destroyed as well.

I really think Ford has Bipolar, he has all the classic symptoms of it and I have people in my family who are manic depressive. If he is suffering from it, no amount of rehab will fix this, sure he may stop for 30 days but he will hit another manic high when he's out and he'll turn to drugs to help numb the imbalance.

What Ford needs is intensive therapy, and to be placed on supervised medication (lithium) to help balance out his imblance, if he does that then he'll be fine.

Actually I think Ford's a great guy, an a real intelligment man it's just that his mental illness is getting in the way and causing a lot of chaos in his life as well as his family's.