Can the sources of money placed into a Go-Fund-Me account be revealed?
That would seem appropriate in the case of Dr. Ford's receiving over $530,000 as a reward for her "testimony".
I gave her some money. Many women did. We have to stick together after all.
I sent her money. What are you going to do about it.
The GoFundMe account was set up to defray the costs of security from right wing death threats and legal costs that she incurred as a result of coming forward. It was not a "reward" as you claim with no evidence.
You can look it up yourself, but right wingers are lazy and lying is easy.
It's actually 2 accounts totaling over $700,000. LOL
There needs to be some legal reforms vis a vis lawyers, gofundme pages and clients. LOL
So? Trump is offering a 7 digit " bonus " per senator to vote yes.
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