Can i wash my new ford car with dove shampoo?

Can i wash my new ford car with dove shampoo? - 1

No. I don't think so

Its ok but using brake fluid and letting it sit works best. Cover your car in brake fluid and it will shine like a charm. Be sure to leave it on all day and you'll see how the dirt literally falls off before your eyes

Hi No it will leave streaks why not just use cheaper washing up liquid in water.

Yes, but you must use conditioner afterwards.

Shampoo is better than dish washing soap because it has oil in it, i use laundry detergent myself.

I'm not sure that would work… Though i'm sort of curious now… I usually just use liquid dish soap, it works.

Sure. You can wash it with Dawn dish soap or Irish Spring too. No one is stopping you.

As my 8th grade English teacher used to say, "Yes, you can."

Give me a break.

Better to use car wash