I have a white substance coming out of my radiator hose causing my 1999 ford mercury to run hot?

I have a white substance coming out of my radiator hose causing my 1999 ford mercury to run hot? - 1

Sounds like coolent is leaking out of a cracked hose or split hose. Dunno why it's white tho. Replace the hose

Do you really think a white substance could cause such a thing?

My guess it's calcium from the water.

If your radiator runs hot it's because you don't have the correct water to antifreeze ratio (50/50) or enough fluid in there.

You can test your ratio with an antifreeze tester. It will tell you what temperature the coolant will cool down to.

You also need to buy some coolant and mix it 50/50 with water and top it off (fill it up). Don't forget to put "some" in your overflow tank/reservoir.

Is this like mayonnaise?
If so you have oil in the water and a blown head gasket.