Can you change a tape cassette player in your car to a CD player of your choice?
Can you change a tape cassette player in your car to a CD player of your choice? - 1
Added (1). I'm learning to drive a car and I have been browsing on the internet for any cars to buy so that I had one waiting for me once I pass. I ended up buying a Ford Fiesta 2002 from a family friend for £500. It's only done 9,000 miles so I had to take it. Anyway because of this car being so old it has a tape deck/cassette player rather than a CD player. I was wondering if you can change it so I can listen to CD's or connect my phone to listen to music?
Easily if it is a single or double DIN unit, most of the tape sort are, with a little bit of know-how it can be a do it yourself, or get a mechanic/auto elec to do it, depending on the car and how easy it is to access removal of the head unit will be the big factor in a fitting fee. Basically there's 8 wires for speakers (2 each), 3 main wires (1, constant power, 1 ignition feed, and 1 earth) some will have a dimming wire for when the headlights are on (but many don't have it these days)
Hi from France ( Je suis Charlie, Paris & San Bernardino / I'm Charlie, Paris & San Bernardino)
I think so, but only if the tape cassette is not embedded in the car. Anyway for having a tape cassette, the car must be old, right? Because of there are a long time ago, tape cassettes are not made.
~~ Have a nice day ~~
Yes. You can purchase a CD deck and have someone install it for you.
I have a cassette player. I use it to play my MP3 player with. I just purchased a tape with a cord that plugs into my MP3 player/cell phone and play my music that way. I like using my MP3 player better than using a CD.
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