93 ford explorer tail lights don't work and brake lights and turn signals work?
93 ford explorer tail lights don't work and brake lights and turn signals work?
How about that!
Not that you asked, but I'd suggest you replace the bulbs.
That's nice. Did you want to ask a question?
Did you check or replace the tail light bulbs yet dude or do you just like telling everyone your lights are out? The brake lights and turn signals work on the larger element in the two element bulbs.
Blown fuse?
- Headlights, instrument cluster lights, tail lights, and dome light all stopped working at once? 1995 Mustang GT convertible, fuses are good, switch is good. I'm about to do a voltage drop test on it tomorrow but I wanted to see if you Ford guys knew something that I'm overlooking.
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- I have a 2000 Ford Focus and the turn signals only seem to work when they feel like it What should I do? They either blink, stay just on, or don't work at all and there's no rhyme or reason to it. Any mechanics out there care to explain?