Will the GOP's defense strategy (Ford was assaulted, but not by Kavanaugh) appease women voters?
Are Trump supporters wise to call Ford a liar?
She doesn't know where, she doesn't know exactly when, she doesn't know what she did there, she doesn't know what she did before or after the alleged incident. So yeah, as of right now, it's pretty wise to say that her claim has no basis in reality. Every witness says she's bullsh! Tting, and her story keeps falling apart. Not to mention that both Ford and her lawyer are outspoken leftist activists. Looks like a common case of slander to me.
I have no proof that Ford was even assaulted. Her account isn't very compelling or believable. There's no corroboration from anybody.
I don't care if she's lying or not, the bottom line is that unless Kavanaugh confesses he did it, it will remain a fairy tale told by a political activist.
Grassley shouldn't have delayed the vote by a microsecond over this foolishness. By allowing Senate business to be hijacked this way, he has allowed the Democrats an unmerited victory. He should end this farce first thing tomorrow.
No way, women all over this country are hopping mad. Now there's another credible accuser and Avenatti is representing a third that hasn't been revealed yet. Suburban women have voted in droves against Trump candidates, the ones who originally voted for Trump, in the primaries and special elections. And that was before this mess! It's as though the Democrats are being handed Congress on a silver platter. The Senate is now considered seriously doable.
What else could she be called?
- Re Kavanaugh. Not only women like Dr Ford need to be heard, but they need to be believed. * Why, because they are women?
- GOP released a letter with 65 women defending Kavanaugh a few hours after Ford made her accusation. How did they know about in advance?
- Do Libs get that women voters are smart enough to know the 'Christine Fords' of the world could accuse their husbands, sons or brothers?
- I asked every democrat I know a simple question: do you believe Kavanaugh assaulted Ford? NOT ONE believes it. Is Ford the biggest fraud ever?
- Christine Ford STILL has not filed a police report about being assaulted by Kavanaugh even though the police said they would investigate if?