GOP released a letter with 65 women defending Kavanaugh a few hours after Ford made her accusation. How did they know about in advance?

GOP released a letter with 65 women defending Kavanaugh a few hours after Ford made her accusation. How did they know about in advance?

Feinstein had a Chinese spy for a few years, easy to think she had a Republican one too.

Along those lines, everyone on the Left is claiming this woman did not want this to be leaked.

Also, it's easy to believe that the GOP ( knowing how Democrats behave in such hearings ) preplanned that letter months ago. They know the dirt-bag tactics of the Left better than anyone.

Is that why she hired a lawyer and paid for a lie detector test months ago?

There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes before this stuff becomes public. Holding on to information and using it as an attempt to negotiate with eachother. That's how Washington works.

They knew about it in advance because it really happened, and they're trying to cover it up.

Fair Question. Looks mighty suspicious especially since it is beginning to look like a lot of the names on the list were not real

It does seem curious. It's as if they knew about the accusation and had planned for it to become public.
Surely there's another candidate for Supreme Court who is better qualified and without the baggage that Kavanaugh has.

And why is the GOP in such a mad rush to push through such a clearly flawed candidate? It's a lifetime appointment and these accusations should be taken serious and given the proper investigation it deserves.