Re Kavanaugh. Not only women like Dr Ford need to be heard, but they need to be believed. * Why, because they are women?

*Sen.Maize Hirono (D., Hawaii)

That philosophy is irrational. Women are capable of lying just like men.

Apparently! No doubt on college campuses!

We should have the FBI investigate her story.

Because they were violated.

Your whining gossip with no evidence does 'not' need to be heard in a formal political discourse… If Hiroshito wants to talk with blaisy duke they can get together after the show and shoot the sht all weekend.

I think the Duke Lacrosse team would disagree with that.

And Emmett Till, if he had survived the false accusation brought against him

OH MY GOD; Why do we have to hear from such people. They are FAKE FAKE FAKE, and she can't recall the details.
GET it over w/and have the GOD D. VOTE.

Distrust of all DEMS is apparent in my post. Hell YEAH. They SUK out loud.


I'd like to be believed when I'm telling the truth. But you know what? I'd really really Really like to be believed when I happen to be lying about something important.

That's not all she said. The quote is being taken out of context.