Will Ford's testimony be very much like this?

When she enter the room the democrats will give her a standing ovation like she was Neil Armstrong retuning from the first moon landing, or instead of questioning her then each democrat will give a long speech praising her for her courage for coming forward as though she was Florence Nightengale, Rosie Parks, and Susan B. Antony all rolled into one.

Of course the galley will be filled with paid screaming women to disrupted the hearing, but not the praising of Ford, turning the whole thing into a Jerry Springer type show.

Ford's testimony will be very vague, and sketchy full of "I can't remember because I was so drunk" but I clearly remember what I have been coached by the democrats to say at this hearing.

And the Republicans will be like this: ''Release the hounds''.

This is pretty much correct.

We will have to wait and see, won't we? But you're free to speculate on what COULD happen.