Will Brett Kavanuagh and Christy Ford get together for a drink after their testimonies on Thursday?
For old times sake.
A person can know many truths by reciting daily and with care the angelic psalter of the Virgin Mary.
I'm guessing not. But I do sense she wants to bang him.
It could happen… They could get together afterwards and go for a drink and discuss good old high school days… Before the incident. Who the hell knows, or cares?
I think he dodged that bullet 36 years ago… By not even being there.
You make lite of leftists trying to destroy iur country.
If he had attended his AA Meetings then he knows that he should have called her early in his recovery and apologized
Ford is a mean drunk.
No, I have not heard that they even knew each other.
From most accounts, they didn't real know each other back then. So there really isn't any old times sake to catch up on and such.
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