Why does Ford lie about having a fear of flying when we know she flew to French Polynesia for a vacation?

A direct flight is 11 hours and 30 minutes

Ford lies about everything. Thats what the DNC paid her to do.

Many people with a fear of flying still fly. That's why there are bars in airports and booze is served on flights.

Maybe she heard that witnesses testifying against Hillary are 8000 times more likely to die in a plane crash?

Ford has a fear of flying to meet the federal Democrats who destroyed her trust. Not of flying for a pleasure trip

Lots of people who have a fear of flying still fly. They take some anti-anxiety medication before they get on the plane. The medication doesn't take the fear of flying away but it reduces the anxiety.

Oh, come on. That's a pretty weak way to try to discredit her. Lot of people who fear flying take tranquilizers and get through it. Come up with something substantive if you want us to believe she's lying.

She's a shrink hello, they specialize in having messed up heads. It may be rhetorical but oh so true.
She is well trained in how to implant false memories and sound convincing when she can't remember.

In that regard, I do not think she was telling a lie. Many people do not like to do many things, but if it is for a pleasant reason (such as a vacation), then it is easier to gather the courage to do the feared activity.

I have a fear of elevators, but the incentive to get to work forced me to bear it.