Why are Trumptards making hay of Blasey Ford's fear of flying when John Madden flew an average of 10 time/year as a football coach?

Madden traveled by bus of his own design when he worked as a broadcaster, but he had to fly when he was a head coach.

Added (1). John Madden was well known for his fear of flying.

Did John Madden use his fear of flying as an excuse to delay testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary committee?

Fat old white men are above criticism by Trump's Tools™ unless they're Democrats.

John Madden was also a fat California disturbed Democrat.

Yet somehow, she few to DC… Her 'mental illnesses' are so convenient, they pop up when she needs them and go away when she doesn't.

And I'll be reporting this as 'Trumptards' is an insulting term.

I believe that one of her attorneys advised her to say that.

They can't stand the thought of one of their tribe being an such an embarrassment it makes democrats look good

He didn't fly for vacation.

Because they believe that every passenger on an airliner loves to fly and can't wait to fly again

For some odd reason "I'm deathly afraid of flying" is being interpreted as "I do not now, nor have I ever, flown in an airplane due to my fear of flying"