Is it true that Ford lied to the judiciary committee about not testifying Monday due to a fear of flying?

Cause it sounds like she is a regular world traveler.

Added (1). If you lie about one thing, then why should we believe anything else you say.

Yes. Makes you wonder what else she might be lying about when she lies about something so trivial.

The MSM and the Democrats lied about her fear of flying. Typical.

Clearly, she hadn't expected someone to pull her CV off the internet and see the information that she uses to tell about herself when presenting at conferences.

That was ridiculous.

I would imagine she is like me: I DO NOT LIKE to be in airplanes. I do not like flying. FORTUNATELY, FORTUNATELY I have never been in bad turbulence. But I have flown about 2 million air miles.

The fact that the right is desperately holding onto that talking point tells me that the right knows that Brett's nomination is toast.

The next time that you're at the gate waiting to board an aircraft, take a good look around you and see if you can identify how many of your fellow passengers are afraid of flying

If you were paying attention you know that she is not. Thousands of people who fear flying do it anyone because their job demands it and they have no choice.


No. That's not true. She did not lie.

"If you lie about one thing, then why should we believe anything else you say."

I agree. Kavanaugh lied about a few small things, the meanings of words in his yearbook, characterizations of his own drinnking. They were not important, but he lied under oath nonetheless. I agree with you that we should not believe anything else he says.

It doesn't matter if she lied or continues to lie. It's also a felony to lie to FBI. The DNC has that covered too. Ms. Ford has stated publicly that she has a mental disorder. When it comes out that there's no truth at all to her accusations. Can she be prosecuted? No. She's a nut. She even says so. The DNC won big on this one. Very, very sleazy though.

Once caught in a lie (flying) it should taint the rest of her testimony.