Why does Christine Ford wear Nikes?
Why does Christine Ford wear Nikes?
Because their anti American
She likes bad shoes.
- Why does the FBI have to investigate the Christine Blasey Ford claims? With the claim made by Christine Blasey Ford, why does the FBI have to investigate this and not the police? Is it because Kavanagh is a nominee for the supreme court? If he was just a 'no one' and she was a 'no one' wouldn't she go to the police?
- Libs: If Christine Ford is unwilling to repeat her claims under oath, what does that tell you? As you are not charged with perjury if you tell the truth, there's only one thing it CAN tell you.
- In the end, will it just come down to how big a hit with female voter the repbulicans are prepared to wear in order to get their man through? Ford's testimony was credible and compelling, the prosecutor they hired was unable to find anything that damaged it. They know that by ignoring it they will make a lot of women, many of them silent victims of sexual assault themselves, angry and alienated from the party. They have to weigh this up against getting this political hack on the bench. It won't be the investigation, but this calculation that determines if they push him through
- If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't? - 1 If lying to the FBI is a crime why does Dr. Christine Blasey Ford want to talk to them but Brett Kavanaugh doesn't?