Libs: If Christine Ford is unwilling to repeat her claims under oath, what does that tell you?

As you are not charged with perjury if you tell the truth, there's only one thing it CAN tell you.

The FBI must investigate first. That way, Congress can determine if her testimony corroborates the findings of the investigation.

It tells me she doesn't want to commit perjury. LOL

She past a polygraph test already. She's telling the truth.

That republicans threatened her, perhaps one of Trumps staff did.

LOL libs cry FBI,… LMAO

there's no suggestion of a federal crime, quite apart from the statute of limitations issue. So the FBI has no independent authority to open a criminal investigation.

The confirmation is a sham.

That question is already answered. She wants to repeat them to the FBI, and lying to them is a felony, AND under oath to congress afterward. Sounds like someone who's telling the truth. The consequences would be horrible for her if she got her wish and then lied to the FBI.

Further proof this whole thing is a false accusation.

She " demanded to be heard ", now that a hearing is scheduled, she's got nothing to say?

She doesn't want to lie under oath