Why do they say Ford is sacrificing so much that's BS if she derails Kavanaugh she will be a hero to the left. The media is bad here.Right?
Why do they say Ford is sacrificing so much that's BS if she derails Kavanaugh she will be a hero to the left. The media is bad here.Right?
LMFAO - - she isn't sacrificing anything
Her life has been destroyed by the #Resist crusade
The ONLY thing that will satisfy SOME people is if she is killed. It is NOT JUST THE MEDIA. It is SOME of the Senators on the judicial committee that are contributing to the misinformation.
NO ONE is on trial. These are confirmation HEARINGS.
I blame the media and everyone else who thinks this is a replay of Anita Hill. It is NOT. Yes, the comparison is unavoidable.
No wrong
She is an opportunist spinning a tale and then she will write a book.
I don't like Kavanaugh, but I have no idea what anybody's going to investigate if she can't remember where the party was or when it was. How many parties did she go to? I can remember all my high school parties.
Many on the right don't want this man either.
- Can I transfer my car payments and car to a 17year old from a buy here pay here place? I have a good question… I got a 98 jeep grand Cherokee limited from ridenowautosales.com I'm still currently making payments. A family friend told me he d sell me his 98 Ford v8 supercharged mustang for 500$ because he needs it gone. Back to the question, my friend is 17 and desperately needs a car would I be able to transfer the jeep and payments into his name? I love the jeep and all but not the 10mpg any help would be awesome!
- Media and the left are bent on believing Ford no matter what. Will she make up details to make sure her story is believable? So far her only witness has denied being there. Her details are so sketchy they are not really believable. But, Kavanaugh is being roasted anyway. This is just terrible. The point being, she could say ANYTHING at this point and the left would believe it. She can contradict herself (the number of people in the room) or she can flat out lie because we're not demanding any proof. It is really terrible what they are doing to Kavanaugh.
- If Ford really thought she was assaulted then why hasn't she contacted the Maryland police, they said last week they would investigate? If she did. Wouldn't that have but a crimp in Kavanaugh's confirmation to be the subject of a criminal investigation for sexual assault? Why hasn't she reported it to the police?
- Do you think trump is right? The Kavanaugh attack on ms. Ford wasn't As bad as she said it was? https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1043126336473055235?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-27909209561040765479.ampproject.net%2F1809142227020%2Fframe.html