Media and the left are bent on believing Ford no matter what. Will she make up details to make sure her story is believable?

So far her only witness has denied being there. Her details are so sketchy they are not really believable. But, Kavanaugh is being roasted anyway.

This is just terrible.

Added (1). The point being, she could say ANYTHING at this point and the left would believe it. She can contradict herself (the number of people in the room) or she can flat out lie because we're not demanding any proof.

It is really terrible what they are doing to Kavanaugh.

And you're bent on disbelieving her no matter what. Pot calling the kettle black. Sad!

The whole thing is made up garbage.

OK, OK… Enough already!
I confess… It was me and my friend, (who wishes to remain anonymous) … Not Kavanaugh, … Who was with Christine that night… (and the truth is that she pulled me down onto the bed.)
I did have to cover her mouth with my hand, because she was screaming, "HURRY! HURRY! So loudly.
I can remember fumbling to unfasten her bra, but I was so slow because I had drank so much that she became so flustrated that she jumped up and left, cursing at me the whole time.
I can't remember where or exactly when it happened, but I'm pretty sure that it was me!

SHE took and passed a lie detector test (polygraph). Kavanaugh has not. Neither has the witness, who refused to incriminate himself.

If Trump asked they FBI to investigate her claim, I'm positive they would soon have the names and addresses of every single person who was at that party, where and when the party was and the name of the homeowners that allowed drunk minors to use their home to commit a crime(s)

Of COURSE! That's why they want Kavanaugh to testify first… So they can make up more LIES to counter what HE says.

Actually every member of Ford's graduating class have come forward to say they heard the story and saw changes in her after the event. One of Kavanaugh's witnesses has a history of abuse and the other refuses to testify under oath. And the GOP are doing everything they can to block the investigation, gotta wonder why.

She can't even seem to recall when and where the alleged event happened. Now she insists on Kavanaugh testifying first. Since when does the accused have to defend himself in this manner?

I don't have much faith that they believe her; they're simply using her to advance their political agenda. Their current and past behavior towards adult Democrats who have abused women indicates their "concern" only exists when it is politically expedient.

Now that manafort has flipped, and it has been confirmed cohen is spilling his guts to Mueller, kavanough is trumps last hope to try to avoid the treason gallows for conspiring with Russian spies during his campaign. He needs to get brett confirmed at any cost. That is why trump has refused to re - open the FBI background check to get to the bottom of her story.
this is just making trump look guilty as all hell.