Why did Ford wait 36 years - Kavanaugh has had SIX FBI background checks, including one for District Court. Does something smell here?

Why did Ford wait 36 years - Kavanaugh has had SIX FBI background checks, including one for District Court. Does something smell here?

Of course it does but that doesn't stop the sheep from believing it.

People who thank God for their reason knows that it's a political farce.

Why did Brett? Because he says what happens there stays there. He is a follower of Trump. Not Christ.

He's guilty! Lock him up!

Common sense smell check --> A Phd with doctorate which requires a extremely developed memory to achieve that ---- Makes a claim 36 years later having no memory of where and when?

Yhe Supreme Ciyrt is a tad different from other things. Perhaps this woman was not willing to relive the event for anything less important.

To high heaven

George Soros at work!

Ford has certainly led a sheltered life if a non-event is something to be brought out for the world to see. She should be fired from her job since she displays such poor judgement.