Why can't Ford remember how she got home when she left the party right after Kavanaugh allegedly felt her up?

Seems like if she remembered the event so well she would remember leaving early…

LOL she is getting destroyed.

Her responses to the questioning include plenty of neuroscience to explain these things. Just listen.

Because the traumatic events were over. Her memory would have recorded the trip home as trivial. And being in shock, she probably was paying very little attention to anything but what had just happened at that point.

The GOP is deeply immoral.

Her opening testimony was powerful, but is now being inconsistent with details. I'm on the fence about this.

You guys are certainly approaching this with an open mind.

She wasn't coached on that part

Foofa, you idiot. The very fact that she can use precise medical terms, but can't remember others facts shows a selective memory, which is done PURPOSELY.

She is lying. Nobody else has any knowledge of this "party" anyway.

I don't remember many of the details from the 80s either. It is surprising though that she wouldn't remember this detail if the party had such a big impact on her life.