Was Ford such a drunk and loner that she couldn't say who was at the party or how she got home?

Isn't the reason the FBI didn't find anything because this is first and only one of its kind in 6 investigations that scoured his history… The witness has no credibility?

Ad hominem: the sign of a weak mind.

And, yet, she remembers an attempted sexual assault.

Isn't that amazing?

Now, quit with non-relevant questions and focus on what she does, in fact, remember.

I don't think the FBI even bothered to look at it. They wouldn't launch a criminal investigation as part of a background check.

She cooked up the whole story to stop Trump from putting Kavanaugh on the court because she is a Democrat nutcase who will do anything to resist Trump.

Why do you hate Betty Ford?

Its pretty sad, but its all libbies have got.

The FBI has not investigated her claim, even though she is asking for them to. You FAIL, dumbo.