How, at 15, did Ford get home after escaping the party house?

Did she call somebody from a pay phone? Who gave her a ride and wouldn't they know where this house is? How can she not know where it is?

She could have walked home in 1.5 hours
Mike Judge knows where the house is and which one of his friends lived there

Uber? Segway?

She flew on a plane

One of her fellow party girls gave her a ride.

I was wondering about that too. Lots of fuzzy details. All three of her "witnesses" say they do not recall her events.

There's a significant difference in the notion that she suffered and assault of some type, and if it was Mr. Kavanaugh who was the assailant.

Kavanaugh hung out the window of his buddy's car, smacked her on the hiney as they drove by, pointed and yelled, "The highways that way, Prudence!"

She has no idea… Likely too drunk to remember