Who else believes that Christine Blasey Ford was lying?

Deliberately, or because of a mental disorder. Either way, it's lying.

I do. It sounded too fishy to begin with then circumstances changed and no witnesses to support her allegations. Plus she met with Soros years ago to be an accomplice for such a charade.

She's lying, and making stuff up as she goes.

At this point, what difference does it make?

We can't prove she was lying, so I will refrain from doing so.

In my opinion, she's clearly not playing with a full deck and I think other liberals capitalized on that.

Maybe she was assaulted by Kavanaugh. Maybe she was attacked by someone else. Maybe she created a false memory to cover for her indiscretion. Maybe she's flat-out lying. I don't know which of those is the truth.

One thing is certain - another person's life shouldn't be ruined because we can't ascertain that truth.

I think she was a plant by trump to distract the public from kavanaugh's perjury to congress before those other women even showed up. It worked.
trump is a master at diversion.

Most democrats realize that she had some holes in her testimony but don't care. They realize it was a political attack and support her claims solely to denounce Kavanaugh, not to support Ford. That alone is extremely sad. Ford was assault twice, once real or imagined by her sexual assaulter, whoever or whatever that was, and again by the democrat party who used her for a purely political purpose and now is done with and has discarded her.

All the way to the bank.

No tears and a phony baloney quivering voice do not make a truth teller.

I believe Dr Ford because unless she is a clinical masochist, no woman in her right mind would willingly subject herself and her family to the threats and harassment that come with her actions.

I believe her because years ago, she told her therapist and husband.

I believe her because she has nothing to gain and a lot to lose from coming out.

I believe her because so many victims of abuse stay silent for years and decades, but always carry it with them.

I believe her because she is not a partisan activist.

I believe her because during his hearing, Kavanaugh lied about little things he didn't need to.

I believe her because his good friend, Mark Judge, wrote a book called, "Wasted: Tales of a GenX Drunk," which mentions a character named "O'Kavanaugh" he frequently got wasted with. I mean, come on, "Kavanaugh" is not exactly "Smith."

I believe her because she took a polygraph, and he didn't.

I believe her because he did not ask for the FBI investigation that could have helped clear his name. She did.

I believe her because many other classmates have come out to say he drank a lot. Some of them even confirm Debbie Ramirez's accusation.

I believe her because of Kavanaugh's high school calendar listing the same names she said were at that house party.

I believe her because I've had traumas in my life and I don't remember when and where exactly I was when they happened, but I remember they happened.

Her purposeful fake body language and her fake voice was pretty funny. She has to realize that some people can see that what she was doing was a show. People like her should really learn that they're not the only body language expert in existence.

And and btw, when you claim to have taken a polygraph you're supposed to provide evidence it happened, not refuse to give anyone the results. Apparently she thought hiding the results from Grassley was smart and helped her case though. Lol