Which has the all time lowest ratings, the Ford Pinto, the Chevy Vega or CNN?

Which has the all time lowest ratings, the Ford Pinto, the Chevy Vega or CNN?

The Clinton News Network by a long shot!

The Created News Network, (CNN)

CNN is still around and millions of people like it because they have real news. When was the last time you saw a Pinto or Vega?

CNN has great ratings

Trump's fake presidency.

The Vega was BY FAR a worse car than the Pinto. Vega was my First car, My Next SIX cars were all Pintos. Drove them all to Well over 100k which was a lot for a car in the 70's

I'd still rather be forced to drive a Vega than be forced to watch CNN

Chris Cuomo screaming at an elderly woman after she t-bones his Chevy Vega with her Ford Pinto.

#1 ----------------------- C N N

#2 ----------------------- FORD PINTO

#3 ----------------------- CHEVY VEGA

Trump Vodka.